Historical Buildings of Boonville
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Here are photographs and notes about some of Boonville's historical buildings
Hain House on Forth Street

The Hain House 1836
The Hain house is one of Boonville's oldest homes. I often pass this house on Fourth Street. I have taken lots of different views of the building. It is a small house and very comfortable to admire. It is my dream des res.

I have wondered who the Hain family was. Here is what I have been able to find out about this historical home.I discovered alot of information about this dwelling from the Chamber of Commerce's web site.

It seems that in 1836 George Hain arrived in Booneville he had immegrated from Switzerland. He was a Blacksmith by trade. He also had a keen interested in horticulture.

He built his home out of walnut logs and over the years he added to it. The first addition came when he married Sophia Aull. He added further rooms when their children came along. The small building was completed in 1870 and a white picket fence was added. The brick pavement was done in 1908.

The building is now looked after by the 'Friends of Historic Boonville.'
This is an Impressive house
It is looked after by the Daughter's of the Revolution.

This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.